Saturday, December 29, 2012

Turtle Wisdom

I wanted to share this treasure box today.  It was slip cast and glazed here in central Mississippi.

I have a special love for frogs and turtles.  According to Avia, creator of Whats Your, the turtle relates to having stability, innocence, order, longevity, patience, endurance, strength, protection, and creation.  Asian myth considers the turtle a symbol for cosmic order.  Personally, I think a little cosmic order would be a good thing.

The turtle encourages us to go at your own pace and to be patient- that things will work out in the end.  When I was going through a difficult time in my life, a Native American friend of mine suggested that I look into Turtle Medicine.  It's possible that on some level, I knew I needed this knowledge in my life as I named my second Etsy shop, Turtle Treasures.

According to Crystal Links, the turtle represents a nuturer, protector, and mother energy.  Turtle energy can help one achieve balance in life.

With these things in mind, I have listed a Ceramic Turtle Treasure Box in my Etsy shop.  I hope you like her.

Blessings and Peace,

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