Sunday, March 18, 2018

Coconut Oil

I have been using coconut oil as part of my beauty regimen for  while now.  It is excellent as an after shower moisturizer for those of us with really dry skin.  It can also be used to remove eye makeup.  Coconut oil can be applied to your hair and scalp before shampooing to deep condition your hair.  Some people say it keeps your hair from turning gray, but mine turned white before I started using it.

There has been some research that ingesting coconut oil has added health benefits of adding good fats to the diet.  It can be added to your morning coffee or used with cooking.  One of the more compelling reasons for taking coconut oil is the research that shows how it can bring back memories to those with Alzheimer's disease.

I have no proof of its benefits for Alzheimer's disease, but it sure can't hurt, and so many of the medications given to the elderly with dementia seem to have such bad side effects. I figure it's worth a chance.

Give coconut oil a try for your own reasons.  I think you'll be happy!

1 comment:

  1. Cococare coconut oil is really helpful as it has active natural ingredients which are good for both hair as well as skin.
