Wednesday, March 14, 2018


There are so many things for which to feel grateful.  Sometimes we think about the big things in our lives such as winning a lot of money, having a great date, our children, spouses.  But I have been finding  happiness and gratitude in smaller things.  I love my shower and the hot water streaming down over me.  I love the way the shampoo feels in my hair, and the way the soap feels on my body.  I love the way my bed feels when I crawl into it after a long day.  I am so grateful for the quilts that cover me and keep me warm at night.

I am grateful for my friends and coworkers who love me.  I am grateful that I have comfortable and nice clothes to wear to work.  I am grateful  that I am able to do the dishes, clean the litter box, and do laundry.  I know so many people who would love to be able to do those things.

A minister in a church I belonged to challenged us to stop complaining for 3 weeks.  She suggested turning each complaint into a gratitude.  Grumpiness over having to clean the kitchen then, turns into being grateful to have a kitchen, to have strength to clean it, to have cleaning tools, and gratitude for whatever we cooked that messed the kitchen up.

Count your blessings.  Count your gratitudes.

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