Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Jill's Treasure Chest News

 Jill's Treasure Chest has expanded in the past few years.  I still have my Etsy shops, JillsTreasureChest and Turtle Treasures.  I have added another shop on Etsy, HiddenRidgeRoad and a website, JillsTreasureChest

Jill's Treasure Chest on Etsy and my private website continue to feature handmade ceramics, wood items, and some vintage products.  My focus is on ready to paint ceramics in each of those shops.  I have really expanded my range of paintable ceramic items!  

Turtle Treasures focuses on crocheted and knitted goods and knitting and crochet supplies and merchandise, like mugs and stitch markers,  As I've broadened my scope of personal crocheting, I've discovered that stitch markers are quite beneficial, especially to those crocheting in the round!

Hidden Ridge Road features jewelry and jewelry making supplies, one of my first loves.

I've also gotten more involved in reselling on Ebay, Poshmark, and Mercari, which has been an exciting experience.  More about those later.

I hope you'll check out my website and Etsy shops!  I've really enjoyed this journey.

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

10 Amazing Benefits Of Aerobic Exercise

Most of us are familiar with the benefits of aerobic exercise.  But let's put it all together step by step.

  1.  Improves cardiovascular health.  The heart is a muscle, and exercising to make your heart beat faster makes your heart stronger, so that you don't get tired so quickly.  It increases the circulation in the heart to bring more oxygen to the heart muscle.  Aerobic exercise also decreases the bad cholesterol levels and increases the good cholesterol levels, making it easier for the blood to circulate.
  2. Lowers the resting blood pressure and resting heart rate (pulse).  If you think about your heart having a maximum speed, and your blood pressure having a maximum pressure, lowering the resting blood pressure and heart rate gives you more to work with- a greater distance between the lowest and the highest heart rate and blood pressure you can have before having a heart attack or stroke.  You are able to do more and do it longer before becoming too tired to continue.
  3. Regulates weight.  Aerobic exercise burns fat.  Four miles of brisk walking can burn 400 to 600 calories depending on your weight and the speed at which you walk.    We all know that keeping our weight down makes us look better, and most of us like it when we look better.  Keeping our weight down also takes stress off our back, hips, knees, ankles, and feet so they have less strain and pain.
  4. Helps to regulate blood sugar.  Some diabetics are able to regulate their blood sugar with diet and exercise alone, but even if someone needs medication to regulate blood sugar, aerobic exercise can help.  There has been some research that shows that people gain weight more easily when their blood sugar is high.  And increased weight can make diabetes worse.  ( Are you seeing a theme, here?)
  5. Frequently reduces chronic pain.  Strengthening the muscles allow them to support the joints more easily.  It's also harder to strain a strong muscle than a weak one.  Chronic pain is frequently made worse by fatigue, and aerobic exercise helps you to be able to do more before becoming tired.  Aerobic exercise helps to increase the blood supply to the muscles, providing oxygen and nutrients.  Chronic pain is made worse by being overweight, so regulating your weight is usually helpful.  Aerobic exercise also helps your body produce endorphins, those natural pain killers and mood elevators.
  6. Strengthens the immune system by decreasing cortisol levels and increasing immunoglobulins, so you don't catch every little illness that's going around.  It also increases the depth of your breathing, to help keep your lungs clear.  Deep breathing can help decrease asthma symptoms, both the frequency and the intensity of an asthma attack.
  7. Improves brain power.  The brain decreases in size as we get older.  Aerobic exercise has been known to result in fewer reductions in the size of the frontal, parietal, and temporal lobes of the brain.  These lobes are associated with memory, time, and spatial abilities, as well as problem solving.  Other things being equal, aerobic exercise can help us live happier, more independent lives as we age.
  8. Elevates our mood.  As previously mentioned, aerobic exercise causes our bodies to produce endorphins, that wonderful chemical that enhances feelings of well being, and decreases pain.  A previous post discussed how much being outside can elevate our mood, and many of us do our aerobic activity outside.
  9. Increases bone density.  Osteoporosis is a disease making the bones soft, brittle, and easy to break.  It is especially common in Caucasian women and often affects the vertebrae in the back, hips and legs.  Aerobic exercise that is weight bearing, like running, walking, cycling, helps to keep the bones stronger, avoiding the painful, humped back associated with compression fractures in the spine, and the risks associated with hip fractures.
  10.  Decreases the risk of falls.  Increasing strength and balance both help decrease the risk of falling.  Statistics show that one out of three people over 65 fall, and chances of injury are greater with osteoporosis.  People also fall due to an underlying heart condition or blood pressure problem, which aerobic exercises can running
    Maybe you have never been an exerciser and figure it's too late to start.  Well, you should definitely check with your doctor before starting a new exercise program, especially if you're over 40, just to make sure your joints and your heart okay.  Your doctor or health care provider can give you some ideas on what types of activities would be best for you, and which are likely to cause problems.  But for most people, it's never too late to start if you're willing to take it slow in the beginning and increase gradually.Consistency is one of the biggest factors.  Most of us are really motivated in the beginning, but it gets harder to keep it up.  It may be easier to have an exercise partner to help keep you motivated.  And the best exercise buddy might be your dog.  Dogs never complain about the route you take, and they don't cancel plans.  In fact, they are so excited to go with you, that their energy is contagious.  With 52% of dogs overweight or obese, your canine friend could probably use some of those aerobic benefits too!Just be careful about which exercise types are good for your dog.  Small dogs may not be able to keep up with a runner, and some large breeds have hip dysplasia, making long runs painful for them.  Dogs with flat faces may have trouble breathing if they work too hard.  Dogs that are too young may damage their joints or bones by running on a hard surface  if they are not done growing.  Check with your vet for ideas on which exercises would be best for your dog.  Keep it fun and enjoy the extra time and bonding with your furry friends.

Gardening is Good For You

Gardening is one of my favorite pastimes.  I love planting new plants and watching them grow, blossom, and bloom.  I love being able to eat the fresh spinach or tomatoes that we grow in my yard!  I hope to have more berries, peaches, and limes next year!  The whole process makes me feel happy and contented.

The CDC recommends at least 2.5 hours per week of moderate intensity level activity.   Now, this does not mean just standing around with a hose and watering plants.  This means weeding, digging in the dirt, hoeing, pruning, and mowing.  Since many of us have jobs that involve sitting for hours on end, getting up and working in the garden can be good for us physically and emotionally.

So What Are Some of the Benefits of Gardening?

  1. Reduced levels of Cortisol.  Cortisol is the stress hormone.  A study in the Netherlands showed decreased levels of cortisol in the blood stream after just 30 minutes of gardening.  Reducing cortisol can influence mood, immune function , obesity, memory, learning problems, and heart disease, decrease stress and improve self esteem.  Stress can increase irritability, headaches, stomach aches, and worsen pre-exisiting conditions.  There is a real feeling of satisfaction when you look out and see a beautiful garden that you've cared for.
  2. Decreased risk for heart attack and stroke.  Moderate intensity exercise can cut the risk of stroke and heart attack by 30% for people over 60, according to a study in Stockholm. Just 10 minutes a day outside without sunscreen is enough to increase your Vitamin D levels and decrease the risk of heart disease, osteoporosis, colon cancer, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes.  And exercise is the best way to help you lose weight and prevent the health dangers associated with obesity., including joint pain and arthritis.  Many gardeners may actually do more exercise than 2.5 hours per week because they are enjoying it.  Gardening can provide aerobic benefits as well as stretching and strengthening in both arms and legs.
  3. Increased Hand Strength and Dexterity.  As a physical therapist in skilled nursing facilities, I frequently see the residents having problems using their hands as they age.  Gardening can keep the hand muscles strong, and increase their endurance.  You can also alternate use of the right and left hand to keep the brain adaptable.  Be sure not to overdo it to avoid repetitive motion injuries, like tendonitis and carpal tunnel syndrome.
  4. Decrease the Risk for Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias.  Studies have shown a decrease in the risk of dementia by at least 36%.  Activities that involve strength, endurance, dexterity, learning, and problem solving are great to keep the mind and body active and healthy.  Gardening also brings pleasant sensory stimulation and pride.  Many facilities caring for the elderly, and particularly those with dementia, are using gardening as part of their treatment approach.
  5. Regulation of Immune System.  Vitamin D has been shown to be helpful in immune disorders and can help with decreasing the risk of heart disease.  A friendly bacteria found in the dirt, called Mycobacterium vaccae, can be helpful in alleviating symptoms of immune disorders such  as psoriasis, allergies, asthma.  It can be absorbed by inhalation, ingestion of the vegetables, and through the dirt on your skin.  Children who were allowed to play in the dirt later had better immune systems than those whose parents washed every speck of dirt off.
  6. Reduced levels of Cortisol.  Cortisol is the stress hormone.  A study in the Netherlands showed decreased levels of cortisol in the blood stream after just 30 minutes of gardening.  Reducing cortisol can influence mood, immune function , obesity, memory, learning problems, and heart disease, decrease stress and improve self esteem.  Stress can increase irritability, headaches, stomach aches, and worsen pre-exisiting conditions.  There is a real feeling of satisfaction when you look out and see a beautiful garden that you've cared for.
  7. Increased Hand Strength and Dexterity.  As a physical therapist in skilled nursing facilities, I frequently see the residents having problems using their hands as they age.  Gardening can keep the hand muscles strong, and increase their endurance.  You can also alternate use of the right and left hand to keep the brain adaptable.  Be sure not to overdo it to avoid repetitive motion injuries, like tendonitis and carpal tunnel syndrome.
  8. Decrease the Risk for Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias.  Studies have shown a decrease in the risk of dementia by at least 36%.  Activities that involve strength, endurance, dexterity, learning, and problem solving are great to keep the mind and body active and healthy.  Gardening also brings pleasant sensory stimulation and pride.  Many facilities caring for the elderly, and particularly those with dementia, are using gardening as part of their treatment approach.
  9. Regulation of Immune System.  Vitamin D has been shown to be helpful in immune disorders and can help with decreasing the risk of heart disease.  A friendly bacteria found in the dirt, called Mycobacterium vaccae, can be helpful in alleviating symptoms of immune disorders such  as psoriasis, allergies, asthma.  It can be absorbed by inhalation, ingestion of the vegetables, and through the dirt on your skin.  Children who were allowed to play in the dirt later had better immune systems than those whose parents washed every speck of dirt off.
  10. A 10% increase in green space has been known to decrease a person's health complaints equivalent to a decrease in 5 years of age, as well as increase property values in your neighborhood.

    Try gardening yourself and see what happens.  It's easy if you have a yard, but even apartment dwellers can try it on a balcony or patio.  You'll be surprised at the results!

Saturday, June 4, 2022


Most of us have seen a little bottle of something called St. John’s Wort in the herbal or vitamin section of our grocery store. Did you ever wonder what it was?

St. John’s Wort is a plant- Hypericum perforatum. It grows in the wild and has bright yellow flowers that bloom around the time of St. John the Baptist’s birthday, June 24. “Wort” means plant in Old English, hence the name. It is native to Europe, but can grow anywhere there in dry, gravely soils, pastures, abandoned fields. It has been found in Africa, Eastern Canada and U.S.A, but also as far as California, Colorado, Arizona, and Australia. It is a very opportunistic plant and if not watched, can take over a garden quickly. In some places, St. John’s Wort is considered a weed.

Uses of St. John’s Wort

St. John’s Wort oil has been used for treatment of inflammation and skin eruptions and melanoma or non melanoma skin cancers. St. John’s Wort has been used in capsule form to treat OCD, PMS symptoms, and has been known to improve a woman’s mood and sexual well being during menopause. It is also used for treatment to improve the mood in seasonal affective disorder, and for smoking cessation. It’s antioxidant properties are said to promote good skin health. St. John’s Wort is used by many for treatment of mild to moderate depression. Many feel that it has fewer side effects than traditional antidepressants, and has been shown to have fewer dropouts in treatment. It is thought to work by increasing serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine availability in the brain.

Side Effects of St. John’s Wort

St. John’s Wort has some serious drug interactions. Taking it with other antidepressants can increase the levels of serotonin to a dangerous level. Symptoms of this can include agitation, diarrhea, fast heartbeat, high blood pressure, hallucinations, and increased body temperature.

St. John’s Wort can weaken some prescription medications including drugs to prevent rejection of transplanted organs,, Digoxin, Oxycodone, some HIV drugs, some cancer medications, birth control pills, and blood thinners. Some people have shown increased sensitivity to the sun, allergic reactions, upset stomach, dry mouth, headache, dizziness and confusion. Some people have reported symptoms of fatigue and restlessness with long term use. It may increase symptoms of ADHD, Alzheimer’s Disease, and an increase in psychotic symptoms in bipolar disease of schizophrenia.

It should not be used during pregnancy.

Does It Work?

Most of the studies I reviewed for effectiveness in treating depression compared a traditional antidepressant, a placebo, and St. John’s Wort. While some studies showed little change in depression symptoms with St. John’s Wort, many of them showed similar results to treatment with traditional antidepressants over a placebo. Most people reported fewer side effects with St. John’s Wort. Some of the best results in studies came from Europe, and especially German speaking countries, where St. John’s Wort is used by medical professionals.

There are two chemicals thought to affect the levels of serotonin and dopamine. These are hyperforin, and hypericin. It is unclear which chemical is completely responsible for increasing these neurotransmitters, and different brands of St. John’s Wort may contain different amounts of each chemical, and therefor may not be as reliable as prescription antidepressants. St. John’s Wort is an anti-inflammatory drug, and there are some researchers that believe it is these anti-inflammatory properties that reduce depression and other mood disorders.

Some physicians still believe that traditional antidepressants are more effective than St. John’s Wort due to drug interaction and questions regarding dosages and exact composition of each brand of capsule. However, many people feel it works about as well as prescription antidepressants.


You should talk to your doctor about any mediation, traditional or herbal, that you take, especially before surgery, or adding a new medication to your regimen.

St John’s Wort may be an effective treatment for mild to moderate depression and some other mood disorders.


National Center for Complimentary and Integrative Health

Very Well Mind

Web MD

Cleveland Clinic

Blessings and Peace,


What Is Living in Your Makeup and Makeup Tools? What Can It Do To You?

One of my coworkers and I were talking about research projects we had done in school, many moons ago.  She said she'd done one on what was growing in her makeup and had been surprised at the results.  She also won the Science Fair with that project that year. Now I confess that I always knew that makeup companies recommended purchasing new makeup every so often, usually before it had run out.  I had always thought that it was because they wanted to sell more makeup!  I'm in the medical profession, and I do know about sterile technique and keeping bandages and topical medications from being contaminated, but I didn't really take the idea of bacteria growing in my makeup seriously.

Enterococcus Faecalis  This bacteria lives in the gut, bowels, and occasionally in the mouth or vagina.  In normal, healthy people, and unless it spreads to other areas of the body, this bacteria is usually no problem in normal amounts.  But in people with compromised immune systems, such as the elderly, people in hospitals, pregnant ladies or infants, or people with AIDS it can be a huge problem causing lovely illnesses like bacteria, urinary tract infections, meningitis, infections in the mouth, especially with root canals, and infections in the lining of the heart.  It has been found on all old makeup products including foundation, lip gloss, and lipstick, and on your makeup brushes and sponges.

Aeromonus   This rod shaped bacteria can be found in fresh and brackish waters, or in soil.  It can cause gastroenteritis, wound infections, necrotizing fasciitis, or cellulitis.

Staphylococcus Epidermis  This bacteria grows on the skin, axillae, and nares, and is thought to assist our bodies in fighting its nastier cousin, Staphylococcus Aureus.  In large amount, it can cause infections of surgical implants, infection of a catheter, infections of the lining of the heart (endocarditis).  Because it lives on the skin in such abundance, it is resistant to many antibiotics.  It can be found on lipstick, eyeshadows, and eyeliners, as well as on your makeup tools, like sponges or brushes.

Staphylococcus Aureus  This bacteria can be found in old makeup products.  It can live on your skin and enter a pimple, the mucus membranes of the nose or eye causing pink eye, redness, inflammation, a rash or dermatitis.  Staphylococcus aureus can become resistant to many antibiotics and become MRSA- Methicillin Resistant Staph Aureus.

Eubacterium   This bacteria has been associated with bacterial vaginosis, and can infect root canals.  It lives in the human intestinal tract and can be found in feces.

Enterobacteria   These bacteria are found in the intestinal tract and can be found in feces.  They can cause urinary tract infections and respiratory tract infections and are especially dangerous for people in hospitals or who have a compromised immune system

Propionibacterium  This bacteria is one of the main causes for acne and other skin conditions and can be found in foundations, powders, and on your makeup brushes.

Pseudomonas Aeruginosa  This bacteria is commonly found in soil, water, plants, and on the skin.  It can cause inflammation and infections on the skin, eyes, or ears.  Less commonly, it can infect the brain, liver, bones, and sinuses.   It is typically found in hot tubs that have not been properly chlorinated.  It can often be found on mascara wands.

Streptococcus   Group A Streptococcus usually lives in the throat and in the skin, and is not harmful to most people unless it invades a part of the body where it is not native, like the lungs, fat tissue,  or blood.  At its worst, it can cause necrotizing fasciitis or toxic shock syndrome.   Less serious illnesses include strep throat and impetigo.   It is spread through contact with mucus from the nose or throat of an infected person.

How Can I Keep My Risk of Infection Down?

The University of Kansas Medical Center recommends that you replace your mascara every 3-4 months.  Throw away your foundation every year and buy something new.  Your eyeshadow should be replaced every 2 years.  Lipstick and gloss should be replaced every year.  Liquid eyeliners should be replace every 3 months, but pencil eyeliners can last one year after being opened.

Many products have a symbol of an open jar with a specified amount of time that states how long after opening they should last.

What Else Can I Do?

Washing your hands thoroughly  before applying makeup is the most important and easiest way to prevent contamination of your makeup.  (It always comes back to that, doesn't it?)   The less often you touch your cosmetics with your hands or with a brush or sponge, the less likely you are to contaminate your makeup.

You may want to consider a foundation that comes from a tube, rather than a bottle or jar.  You could use a clean sponge to apply your foundation, or you could pour a little makeup on a sponge and use your fingertips to apply it.  Wiping a lipstick or an eyeliner pencil after every use can remove bacteria that are sitting on the top.  You could also wipe the top of an eye shadow with a tissue, or possibly spray it with alcohol to remove surface bacteria.

Cleaning your brushes and sponges with warm water and sudsy soap at least once a week is also helpful.  Don't forget to use an antibacterial wipe to clean the brush handles.  Clean out your makeup bag with soap and water or an antibacterial wipe, and clean out your makeup drawer.


While most of us will not contract the more serious diseases from the bacteria in our makeup, knowing about the possibilities from bacteria in old makeup should make us think.  And certainly fresh, new makeup looks better than the old outdated make up!

Blessings and Peace,


Thursday, February 25, 2021

Creativity is Good For You!

 Jill's Treasure Chest on Etsy has a new idea!  Exploring your creativity.  You can explore your creativity with decorating using ceramic or wood decor, with purchasing gifts, finding lots of unique mugs, figurines, and jewelry, and by painting your own ceramic pieces. What a wonderful way to spark creativity in yourself and in your children.

People who explore creativity have more fun in life, and are more intelligent because they utilize more areas of the brain.  Being creative can help keep people young, hopefully slowing age related dementia.

Check out this section in my Etsy shop to explore your creativity!

Blessings and Peace, Jill

Monday, September 21, 2020

New Items at The Mug Boutique

 The Mug Boutique now sells....(drum roll)...insulated tumblers!  We have stemless wine tumblers with designs engraved through the powder coat!  And we are getting some larger 20 ounce tumblers, also with designs engraved through the powder coat.  These insulated wine tumblers and drink tumblers are available in several different colors, giving you a lot of choices.  These vacuum sealed tumblers also feature removable clear plastic lids.  

For those of you who prefer to buy on Etsy, my mugs and tumblers are available at Turtle Treasures on Etsy.  So if buying on Etsy seems safer than buying from an independent website, you are now taken care of.  

The 20 ounce Tumbler is available from Turtle Treasures Or The Mug Boutique!  You get to choose!
I hope to see you soon at The Mug Boutique or Turtle Treasures!

Blessings And Peace.
